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23) Yousuke Tanaka, Yoshiyuki Suzuki, Kensuke Kobayashi: The
Effectiveness of Life Cycle Assessment for Building Using Inventory
Database "IDEA" in Japan, 10th International Conference on Construction
Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM), 2024.7 22) Yousuke Tanaka, Yoshiyuki Suzuki, Kensuke Kobayashi: Establish Life Cycle Assessment for Building Using Database “IDEA” in Japan and Analysis from Database of Actual Buildings, The Pacific Association of Quantity Surveyors (PAQS), 2023.9 21) Kiyotaka Tahara, Chiharu Fujii, Maki Yokota, Koichi Shobatake and Kensuke Kobayashi: Development of global inventory database based on IDEA、Ecodesign 2019、2019.11 20) Kiyotaka Tahara, Chiharu Fujii, Maki Yokota, Koichi Shobatake and Kensuke Kobayashi: Applying global supply chain modeling to inventory database IDEA、 LCM2019、2019.9 19) Kiyotaka Tahara, Chiharu Fujii, Maki Yokota, Koichi Shobatake, Kenshiro Nakai, Yuya Kimura and Kensuke Kobayashi: Development of adapted inventory database based on IDEA、LCA FOOD 2018、2018.10 18) Kensuke Kobayashi, Kenshiro Nakai, Yuya Kimura, Chiharu Fujii, Maki Yokota, Kiyotaka Tahara: A Method for Estimating Inventory Data of Foreign Products: Utilizing IDEA for Seven Asian Countries、 The 13th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance、2018.10 17) Kiyotaka Tahara, Kenichiro Tsukahara, Koichi Shobatake and Kensuke Kobayashi: Considering of import products in IDEA、 The 13th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance、2018.10 16) Tahara Kiyotaka, Kenichiro Tsukahara, Koichi Shobatake, Kensuke Kobayashi: Updating for IDEAv3 development、LCIC 2018、2018.8 15) Kensuke Kobayashi, Kunihisa Wakabayashi, Ayaka Yamamoto: A sustainably managed Forestry from the perspective of the building industry -Dynamic analysis of the environment in Japan and the Hiroshima Prefecture-、 The 12th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance、P-146、2016.10 14) Kensuke KOBAYASHI, Kiyotaka TAHARA, Baoren WEI: A Method to Estimate Inventory Data on Foreign Products: Verification of the Estimated through Comparison with Surveyed Data on Several Countries、The 10th International Conference on EcoBalance、P-145、2012.11 13) Kosuke MEGURO, Toshiharu IKAGA, Toshiya CHIKADA, Kensuke KOBAYASHI: Development of Evaluation Tool for Life Cycle CO2 of Detached Houses、The 10th International Conference on EcoBalance、P-016、2012.11 12) Kiyotaka TAHARA, Masaharu MOTOSHITA, Kensuke KOBAYASHI, Atsushi INABA: Expansion of Comprehensive Inventory Database (IDEA) to Water Footprint、The 10th International Conference on EcoBalance、C1-06、2012.11 11) Kensuke KOBAYASHI, Kiyotaka TAHARA and Baoren WEI: Method developed for simplified inventory-data estimation of foreign-made products、The 9th International Conference on EcoBalance、D2-1550 (Abstract Book、pp.66)、2010.11 10) Yusuke NAMBU, Toshiharu IKAGA, Kensuke KOBAYASHI, Yuko TSUNETSUGU, Shun KAWAKUBO and Kumi OKUMURA: Development of a Model for Estimating Environmental Load of Architectural Wood、The 9th International Conference on EcoBalance、P-026 (Abstract Book、pp.84)、2010.11 9) Kiyotaka TAHARA, Toshio ONOYE, Kensuke KOBAYASHI, Ken YAMAGISHI, Shoichiro TSURUTA and Katsuyuki NAKANO: Development of Inventory Database for Environmental Analysis (IDEA)、The 9th International Conference on EcoBalance、P-119 (Abstract Book、pp.106)、2010.11 8) Katsuyuki NAKANO, Masayuki KANZAKI, Kensuke KOBAYASHI, Kiyotaka TAHARA:Development of LCI database and system in Japan、CILCA(Conferencia Internacional de Analisis de Ciclo de Vida en Latinoamerica)、2009.4 7) Kiyotaka TAHARA, Kensuke KOBAYASHI, Toshio ONOUE, Masayuki KANZAKI and Katsuyuki NAKANO: Development of Inventory Database (IDEA) based on Process Analysis、The 8th International Conference on EcoBalance Confirmation、2008.12 6) Kensuke Kobayashi, Kiyotaka Tahara, Masayuki Sagisaka, WEI Baoren and Jicheng Bi: Issues on Development of Chinese Inventory Database、The 8th International Conference on EcoBalance Confirmation、2008.12 5) Kensuke Kobayashi, Kiyotaka Tahara, Masayuki Sagisaka, Atsushi Inaba and Jicheng Bi: Development of Inventory Data Related to Electric Power in China、SETAC Europe LCA Case Study Symposium、2007.12 4) Masayuki Sagisaka, Otani, Kaji, Kiyotaka Tahara and Kensuke Kobayashi: Fluctuation of Environmental Burden Induced by Uncertainty of Biomass Production、Proc. Sustainable Energy and Environment 2006、P-64、2006.11 3) Kensuke Kobayashi, Hideki Tanaka, Takashi Mamiya and Takashi Inoue:Environmental Load Caused by Differences in sorting method of building demolition waste、The 7th International Conference on EcoBalance Confirmation、2006.11 2) Takashi MAMIYA, Masaaki SATO, Yoshinobu ARAI, Akira SHINTANI, Kensuke KOBAYASHI, Takashi INOUE:STUDY OF RESOURSE SUSTINABILITY ASSESSMENT FOR BUILDING Part 3. Environmental Assessments for Demolition and Waste Treatment Processes、The 2005 World Sustainable Building Conference in Tokyo、pp.1806-1813、2005.9 1) Kensuke Kobayashi, Takashi Mamiya, Takashi Inoue and Rie Mezawa:LCI with Different System Boundaries for Building Demolition Waste Processing、The 6th International Conference on EcoBalance Confirmation pp.79-82、2004.10 * 2)5)はアブストラクト査読付 |