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[Faculty LES & Grad Sch LSS] Making Beetles Horn b

印刷用ページを表示する 2018年6月14日更新

Dr. Teruyuki Niimi at the National Institute of Basic Biology gave the lecture "Molecular mechanism for horn morphogenesis of beetles", inspiring the graduate school and faculty students.

A short-horned Japanese beetle (male or female!) generated by a down-regulation of "double-sex" gene

Ito, Y., Harigai, A., Nakata, M., Hosoya, T., Araya, K., Oba, Y., Ito, A., Ohde, T., Yaginuma, T. and Niimi, T. (2013) The role of doublesex in the evolution of exaggerated horns in the Japanese rhinoceros beetle. EMBO Report, 14, 561-567

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