所属:地域創生学部 地域創生学科 地域文化コース 職位:講師 学位:博士(言語文化)
I use tools from cognitive and sociolinguistics to explore media language as both a reflection of ideology, and as a tool to pursue justice and equality.
Language and gender ideology, media language, conceptual metaphor, categorization
ことばとジェンダー・イデオロギー, メディア言語, 概念メタファー, カテゴリー化
My research involves using cognitive linguistic tools to explore the connection between language and society, particularly how language used in the media can shape how we understand and conceptualize ourselves, the people around us, and the world in general. I am a firm believer in the power language has to shape our thoughts at both the individual and cultural level. I understand language and ideology as being in a cyclical relationship in that each part feeds off of the others, but also serves as an opportunity for change.
I am particularly interested in gender and other ideologies in media language, and use both a critical discourse and cognitive linguistics approach to analyze media examples. Cognitive linguistics offers tools such as conceptual metaphors that allow us to understand not only stereotyping and other surface-level results of ideology, but also the cognitive processes that support it. With the increasingly dire climate and health crises, especially in certain areas of the world, I hope to focus on the role of ideology in the language used in relevant marketing and political media.
Media Language, Gender Ideology, Pragmatics, Cognitive Linguistics, Conceptual Metaphor, Critical Discourse, Social Justice
メディア言語, ジェンダー・イデオロギー, 語用論, 認知言語学, 概念メタファー, クリティカル・ディスコース, ソーシャルジャスティス