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外国人留学生/International Students

印刷用ページを表示する 2024年11月1日更新


About Prefectural University of Hiroshima, PUH

Prefectural University of Hiroshima, PUH

  Prefectural University of Hiroshima is a public university in Hiroshima Prefecture with three distinctive campuses and three faculties, two graduate school programs with about 2,500 students.
  In Hiroshima Prefecture, two World Heritage sites, the Atomic Bomb Dome and Itsukushima Shrine offer an additional educational experience from the perspectives of peace, culture and history in Japan.

  Currently, about 90 foreign students are enrolled at our University. Inbound exchange students are accepted each semester. So far, we have produced and introduced many excellent foreign students to the world who have studied in a Japanese academic setting and the surrounding culture at the University.

About foreign students

  The following foreign students are enrolled in Prefectural University of Hiroshima.

  Undergraduate students: Foreign students enrolled in the undergraduate course
  Graduate students: Foreign students enrolled in the graduate course
  ET Students: Foreign students enrolled in English Track (English Program)
  Exchange students: Exchange students from partner colleges and universities under the exchange program
  Research students: Foreign students enrolled in the University for the purpose of research

Regular students

Special Selection for Foreign Students

 “Special Selection for Foreign Students” is an entrance examination system for foreigners who plan to enter the undergraduate or graduate program.
 This system is intended for foreigner students who plan to be enrolled in the following programs.

● Faculty of Regional Development
       - Department of Regional Development  
        ・ Regional Culture Studies : Intercultural Studies
        ・ Regional Industry Studies : Management, Management Information Systems
        ・ Health Sciences Studies

● Faculty of Bioresource Sciences
       - Department of Development of Local Resources
       - Department of Life and Environmental Sciences (Life Science Course / Environmental Science Course)

● Faculty of Health and Welfare
       - Department of Health and Welfare
        (Nursing Course, Physical Therapy Course, Occupational Therapy Course, Communication Sciences and Disorders Course, Human Welfare Course)

▶︎ Foreign students (entrance examination for the undergraduate school)


<Graduate School>

● Graduate School of Comprehensive Scientific Research
       - Program in Human Culture and Science (Master’s course)
       - Program in Information and Management Systems (Master’s course)
       - Program in Biological System Sciences (Master’s/Doctoral course)
       - Program in Health and Welfare (Master’s/Doctoral course)      

● Graduate School of Business Administration
       - Program for Leadership Development (Master’s course)

▶︎ Foreign students (Entrance examination for the graduate school)

For application guidelines, application period, examination schedule and other details, please visit here:


English Track System

  English Track System (ET System) is a program designed for acquiring a master's degree in English. The program aims to nurture and train individuals who can take on an active role in a local community or on an international stage through a broad-based academic education and advanced expertise.
  This system is intended for (future) graduates from our University and overseas colleges and universities which have partnered with us and who plan to be enrolled in the following major:

<Graduate School>
  Graduate School of Comprehensive Scientific Research
      - Program in Biological System Sciences (Master’s course)
    -Program in Information and Management Systems (Master's program)

▶︎ For ET System application guidelines, application period and other details, please visit here:

International Exchange Students

  International students come from overseas partner colleges and universities to study at our university for one or two terms under the exchange program.

Application qualifications for an international exchange student;
  1.Sufficient Japanese proficiency specified by the department and major that a student wants to enter
  2.Student who is enrolled in a department or graduate school of a partner college or university and recommended by the enrolled university
  3.Ability to pay expenses such as living costs necessary for study abroad
  4.Being healthy both physically and mentally and having no problems related to studying abroad

Application Method
  Private application will not be accepted. Please submit required documents to us through your enrolled university.

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