Prefectural University of Hiroshima has received the messages concerning the damages incurred by the storm of rain on July, 2018 from the following partner and other related universities all over the world.
We have felt strong sense of solidarity and been highly encouraged by the messages. We also got strongly resolved to make our best effort for the recovery of peaceful student life as early as possible.
We renewed our sincere appreciation for these messages from the partner and other related universities.
協定大学 (Partner Universities)
■インドネシア Indonesia
アンダラス大学 Andalas University
ジュンブル大学 Universitas Jember
■タイ Thailand
コンケン大学 Khon Kaen University
■台湾 Taiwan
世新大学 Shih Hsin University
■カナダ Canada
ランガラ大学 Langara College
■オーストラリア Australia
キャンベラ大学 University of Canberra
その他の関係大学 (Other Related Universities)
■タイ Thailand
チェンマイ大学 Chiang Mai University
■米国 The United States of America
オースティン・ピー州立大学 Austin Peay State University
■ニュージーランド New Zealand
カンタベリー大学 University of Canterbury