今回の協定に基づき, 交換留学生の相互派遣や国際的な学術連携の推進を目指していきます。
International exchange agreement with National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences(NTUNHS)
PUH is expanding its international exchange agreements with overseas universities, and has recently concluded an agreement with National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, the 41st university to do so.
NTUNHS is the oldest and largest university of nursing and health sciences in Taiwan, located in Taipei City. The university is highly regarded by companies in Taiwan, having ranked as NO.1 in “medical & healthcare” and “social & psychology” disciplines in “2015 Enterprise Favorite universities in Taiwan”.
Based on this agreement, the two universities aim to promote mutual exchange of exchange students and international academic collaboration.
For more information on NTUNHS: https://www.ntunhs.edu.tw/