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[Dept LS] 2 Years Graduation Project Started b

印刷用ページを表示する 2018年6月1日更新

In the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, the 2 years graduation project (for the 3rd and 4th graders) has started. Normally the university graduation project spans only one year (for the 4th graders) in Japan. This therefore provides a great advantage over the "competitors" (regarding research or job hunt) in other universities (although the flood of students efficeiently suffocates the professors...).

In Abe lab, the assisted reproductive techniques such as cryopreservation and in vitro culture of eggs (oocytes and embryos) have developed through many trials under various conditions in mice and cows. In the first term of the 3rd grade, the students go through a technical training program, which includes collection, in vitro culture, tissue sectioning, and staining of eggs and reproductive organs.

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Collection of immature oocytes from bovine ovaries

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Assessment of meiotic status in in vitro matured oocytes